It is said that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself sometimes. As an avid fan of breast expansion, and idle games in general, I wanted to see the two somehow smashed together. I looked everywhere, and came up empty handed (ish... if you follow my meaning).

So I set about trying to design one myself. I found an app on my phone what codes, I went in with the most basic of knowledge, and with some cursing at ChatGPT, what started as a little pet project became what I hope you enjoy today.

I warn you, it's small. It's relatively short, and right now, there isn't a lot of meat to it. But it's mine, and I made it, and I'm proud of it.

***See after descriptions for known issues***


The game is very simple, you want bigger breasts, so you tap them. Most of the time, nothing happens. Makes sense, if people could simply tap breasts bigger, you know there would be some actual breast mountains out there, maybe even bigger.

You are different though. You are special. You WANT them bigger. NEED them bigger. So you try again. And again. And again. It's bound to work, right?

Then it happens. It's imperceptible, but you know your boobs. They grew. Ever so slightly, but they are bigger, so you put more effort into it. You crave more, you desire more... so you tap, putting more WILL into it. Before you know it, the alphabet of bra sizes cycle in front of you. How big will you go? When is it finally... too big?

Let's find out together...


This is a prototype game, so as such, there is the very most basics of ideas. As of now, you can use your "Will" to tap your breasts bigger, then after a point, you open an OnlyFans page to start making money for expiremental therapies to let your breasts grow on their own. That's it... for now.

I have a lot planned for this game, if I can do it right. If I can also figure it out too. I love the absurdity of hyper breast expansion, so I plan to lean into it. You'll obviously start with an OnlyFans, but think of the other ways you could make money with all that space! Think of... say... the advertising possibilities!  Rental opportunities! Joking with my partner about it while on a road trip made me realize once they're big enough, you could levy tolls on them! The possibilities are endless!

This game will be absurd. While making you aroused, I hope to get a chuckle, an eye-roll, or a groan out of you while you play through this. It's meant to be dumb. Erotic... but dumb.

I also need to give warning to those who get access to the code. Who want to see the inner workings of the game. First off... don't. If you are like me, you'll have no idea what half of it means. If you have ANY coding experience in .html, you may potentially crap yourself with how horrid it is. Look... it's difficult to code when you have no idea what your doing. It doubles when you do it exclusively on a phone. And just for added headache... mainly one handed (which should be obvious for reasons)...

There's a lot of text here, so if you are still here, thank you. This was a project of love. All joking aside, I know anyone with any experience in coding could have probably done this project in about an hour, and probably on a phone and one handed. It took me... maybe... just time working on it... a month. Maybe more.

But like I said above, it's mine. I made it. Is it pretty? No. Is it in depth? No. Could it have been done smarter, more efficient, more simple? Maybe, but that's not the point. I wanted to see this come to light, so here it is. I'm hoping to make this project grow (heh... grow...) and give someone out there, maybe, a chance to enjoy it too.

Thank you again for reading all this wall of text, trying this ugly Frankenstein of a game out, and if you decide to leave a comment or suggestion. I really hope you enjoy this little thing I made...

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(31 total ratings)
TagsAdult, breast-expansion, Idle, Simple


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Development log


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you really should add a log to read all tgese comments about your breasts

Pst while others will likely hate this idea how about the ability to start with 0% chance of growth instead of 15%?


Add more sizes between house and Earth, like using landmarks, a city, mountains, States,countries,continents, the moon,then the earth,then do the sizes in earths or AU and after the solar system star using more stupid mesurements until 1 light year then Galaxies, then Universes , similar to the weight being added as well so that the numbers dont get stupid big


This is just placeholders 


Suggestion - add page where you can see all "dialogues"+size you need for them, sometimes autoclicker skips more than 1 size

anything larger than earth size?

Nope, that's the end...

...for now...

Hey boss! Wanted to let you know, there's a minor typo at the size between 45-49 feet, I don't remember what it was exactly, but there was a word with the number 6 in it.


Yeah... my keyboard for some reason loves to add numbers in randomly. Thanks for the heads up.

Alright, what's the biggest size currently possible? Is it the one where your boobs are as big as a house each or is there more? 


That is the official end, but there is one more comparison if you are patient enough.

The growth artifact is maybe a bit overtuned for the price, haha. I multiplied my growth once and the new flavor text went by so fast that I didn't get to see a lot of them. I'm really appreciating the new text though. 

I think the weight gain maybe needs to be scaled down a bit though. I feel like the descriptions and the weight don't match up at all. A gorilla is around 350lb and the average human could use them as a beanbag chair.  Average wrecking ball is 5000lb and 9.4 feet (113) in circumference. Since it's steel, it's way heavier than a titty would be.

In game I'm at 19 feet and around 10,500lb. That would make sense if titty was made of steel. Water is 1/8th as dense as steel roughly, and fat is less dense than that, so I'd lower your weight calculation by at least 1/8 if not more. So 19 feet of titty circumference would get you around 1300lb.

Oh a small note, A cup would probably weigh nothing. The model Miosotis as a 38 U cup and her boobs weigh 20.21 pounds.

I have one teeny tiny suggestion: additional buttons to buy things in multiples of 10 100 1000 etc.


I PROMISE that is next. May even do a quick update with that. I want to make it so you can press and hold to make purchases, but I can't figure out how to do it for both mobile and PC, only one or the other.

It's one of my major annoyances, and is actively being worked on. If I can't figure it out soon, I'll do just that.


did it update recently? it says updated 5 days ago

I'm sorry, that was probably because I was playing around with the file. I'm working on the UI and brought the file from my laptop to my phone, and brought it through here.

It's not enough to put up QUITE yet, but I promise I am working on it.

no worries, i was just wondering since the update changes and some other games here also has sneaky updates where it isnt mentioned in the dev log but has updated

Im.on my phone and for me almost everything is black

Maybe because i am in dark mode ?

Yeah, I had that issue too. There is a way to turn it off, but for the life of me, I'm not sure how to do it.

Enable the computer site in your browser settings

look great I'm interested to see how it grows over time.


where is 1.1?

(1 edit) (+2)

man, we got a hyper dick with images/animation and text, hyper breast with images/animation, and now we're getting one that's text! :D

all able to get to absolutely ludicrious sizes :3

hope to see more in the future, contact me if you need help with images/sprites/etc... I'm not too amazing, but would definitely love to help wherever I can.

I will keep that on mind. I would absolutely love to add some sort of imagery, but I'm still in over my head with just the text, but hopefully with some more experience, we can make that happen.


Wait what's the dick one

cock clicker, it's a flash game so you'll have to download it.

cock clicker, it's a flash game so you'll have to download it.

(2 edits) (+2)

The reason of the screen jumps is due to the length of the description characters.

If a sentence exceeds one line, the things below the description will also be pushed down by one line.

If you set the height of bustDescription like this, it will take up a fixed size regardless of the character length, and you will be able to solve the problem.


I'll play around with that when I start cleaning things up. I'm starting to get to the point where I have the basics in place, and then the plan was to try and organize the code, and make things look and act more pretty on the front end.

Thanks for the insight!

First clicker type game I've played, haha. I think I'd like to see more real world comparisons with the sizes. Like. "your boobs are the size/weight of a small car." A blue whale can get up to 330,000 lbs. A football field is 3600 inches. a horse can weight 930 pounds. But yeah. More comparisons. Weight of an average male, object or landmark would be fun. I'm pretty sure I had city destroying titties at some point. Kaiju boobs.


THAT... is a guarantee. I love me my descriptions and comparisons. I'll try not to let you down.


I'm very excited that someone is finally tackling a BE incremental game, I just have a bug to report and some minor criticisms to make.

It's not entirely clear what the two different options under Science do. Obfuscation is fine, but the option to double the potency of the growth at the cost of resetting the interval doesn't seem to work properly? It's hard to tell without being given exact numbers for your growth rate/interval, but it seems like it resets the growth rate as well.

Will seems to be completely outmoded by money and clicking becomes pretty much pointless, because the moment you start idly gaining money to increase the science bonuses, your click power will inevitably start falling behind. Without some way to turn money into click power or passively gain will points, it becomes kind of pointless to click in an incremental game and that's a shame.

Lastly, it would be nice to have some way to spend more Will Points or Dollars at once on upgrades. I know this is counter to what I just said, but I don't want to be spending time clicking on upgrades! That's time I could be spending clicking the grow button!

Other than these minor criticisms, I'm very much looking forward to where this project goes.

Thanks for the thoughts. I agree 100% with the spending, and trust me, I have tried to figure out how to press and hold for upgrades, and I have not been able to figure it out. That is a QoL update that will happen, I just need to figure it out.

If you open the Stats tab, it should have your auto-growth numbers there. Check that out, and see if maybe I missed something.

The game is very much in its infancy, and balance had only been kind of thought about. I want to add a few more things to give the player more to do, then I'll spend the time tweaking on numbers.

If you are looking for something to tide you over while I'm working on this, check out "Yuri My Beloved" by RoanneTheWolf, here on They are actually very much an influence, and deserve a check out!


One more thought- I know you said not to look at the code, but I'd suggest using an array rather than a string of else-ifs for the descriptions. It's not super important, but once you have a lot of descriptions, it could cause performance issues if the game is checking through dozens of else-ifs every single time it's updating the bust size. Having an array of integers attached to strings and then loading the string attached to the largest integer below the target (so, your bust size) would be ideal- however, you're working in javascript and I'm not sure how it works there. <:3

Either way, good luck with the coding! I know it can be a real pain sometimes.

I remember a friend of mine telling me about that. It's something I want to look into, and might when I try and refine everything.

Thanks for the direction though. Every little bit helps!

Not sure if it's intended, but once you click on a button, you can just hold enter and it'll click as fast as your OS settings allow it to repeat. This pretty much did the opposite of what the original comment was. The willpower gains are so much faster than the passive income/growth, since the money from the only fans doesn't seem to ever increase?

So each cycle you basically would need to wait on enough money to get back down to 0.1s growth intervals, otherwise the resetting isn't all that worth it. Meanwhile, in about the time it took to make $50, I had around 1000 clicks.

Who knew that 10 ton tits could be a problem...

Onlyfans money should increase as your breast size increases...

I see no problem with 10 ton tits. Only problem might be they aren't 100...

fun stuff so far, very simplistic! i assume the "bigger than a house...each" is the last dialog option, figured i'd test JUST to see if there was a silly one at the one mile threshold, just cause lol. 

looking forward to more fun little descriptions as the number gets huge~ letting money just pile up while afk doing stuff and spamming like 10 cycles of the natural growth speed really stacks up the inches quite quick heh

There is *one* more description, but it's a distant place holder I didn't expect people to get to yet. Though... I think people might have.

I'm actually excited to start on the descriptions again. I'm working currently on getting more things to do, as well as breaking some personal barriers in my coding knowledge, then potentially putting a story over everything. One tging at a time.

Thanks for your kind words!

The game gets reeeeeally slow around the 500 inches mark. Even when you try to minmax for weight and growth serum, It can take forever to get the next description. Other that this game is great, really like the description of each size

That is by design. Half because I do want a slower burn of a game, and half because there will be more added to speed things up. I plan adding more descriptions between each "milestone" too, so there is more enjoy.

I'm glad the descriptions are hitting home! I'm not much (at all) a programmer, but I do think myself a somewhat clever wordsmith, so people enjoying the descriptions make me happy.

Thanks for the thoughts! I hope you stick around, as the game will grow over time.


The bug with not unlocking onlyfans if you skip 40 inches, is just because you have the code in the if/else if, when it updates and bust == 41, it sets the text and exits that block, so it doesnt check for bust >= 40. easy fix is to move that line outside of that if block and into it's own either above or below, like this

Huh. I'll try and remember to change that next time I crack into the code, or try and clean things up.

This was the other reason why I wanted to release this. I was hoping I might get some people who might know a thing or two guve me some pointers.


Did I jump past some options for progression or is this all there is? These are the only 4 tabs I can see.


As of now... it's just the four tabs. This is very much in the prototype, beginning phases, and I'm hoping to have more in the nearer future.

No problem, didn't mean to imply criticism; I was just confused. Looking forward to whatever you do!


I did not take it as such, no worries! Glad you enjoyed it so far!

As you imply in the description you could not find other incremental breast expansion games, I wanted to mention "Yuri My Beloved" by RoanneTheWolf here on itch in case you had not yet seen it. The creator also made a few other similar games!


Trust me... I am VERY much a fan of those. I have played them several times, and have taken some inspiration from them.

Great game. I enjoyed it for real. I'm sure you'll find a way to solve the issues.
...And I apologize for dig the code. I was just wondering if there was a cheat code or something. Surely html is not my thing tho.

It is not my thing either my friend... I'm just a guy with a dream... and maybe a bit too much free time on his hands...

(1 edit)

Solid, but enjoyable; After unlocking natural growth, it can snowball extremely fast - I might up the cost for each genome upgrade to 10$ unless your goal is for a relatively quick playthrough. I'm not sure if its outside of the scope of this game, but more things to spend will or money on would be nice. I could see at 100 will point intervals a double or triple click option, and maybe for scaling cost you could buy bigger bras (would give you the option to mention how tight/small the bra is getting, maybe fans pay more to see you in a bra and outgrowing it). Other genome options maybe? Sensitivity is vague but could add to the description, maybe lactation at increasing rate as a second way to make money

Sorry, this is a really good start! Fun and has a good niche in the BE game market 5/5 looking forward to seeing how this "grows"

Edit: Early game could be stretched if it was at intervals of 2 inches per cup size (possibly even sneaking in sister sizes like DD cup, DDD cup, FF cup, HH cup, ZZ cup, ZZZ cup, etc) to let the build up to bigger then Z cups feel earned, gives more time to read descriptions as well if you've built up momentum


Thanks for all the suggestions! One of the things I'm working on is early game balance. There's not a lot, but I am trying to make what's there, is there you know?

My plan is to hit some real extreme sizes, so pacing will be key.

There will be a lot more things to spend points on later.

(1 edit)

I was thinking, and I think this would be a good progression until you get to late game hyper sizes:
-36-80 inches; expanded progression from an AA cup to a ZZ or ZZZ cup, two inches for each major cup size increase (A to B, B to C, etc) and for every inch you could either hit a sister size (D cup to DD, H to HH, etc) or get an update with your increase. The current 26 descriptions are all good with only one or two exceptions, so adding a line or two to the end could work for the one inch updates, ie "DD cup? E cup? Not sure what size, but you definitely need it [... well, maybe more like an EE cup really}

-80 to 100: that can be kept as is if you want to limit the number of additional descriptions you're adding, but you could give one extra at 90 inches to imply a difference in size between beachball size and yoga ball, like, at 90 inches "Well, you went to the beach and the funniest thing happened, you held up a beachball to compare to your breasts and it turns out each boob is now way bigger these days! That might explain all the glances you're getting from your recent growth..."

-100 to 500: the spacing here is descriptive but kind of sparse, an update at every 20 to 25 inches would be nice, even if its just mentioning things like "Well, you almost got stuck in the doorway today, so #goals met!" or "Your friend is incredulous that they look even bigger when you bounced up to them today. Maybe its your boob greed speaking, but that sounds like a challenge to you!"

-500 to 1000: depending on how fast you intend for these intervals to go, every 50 to 100 inches works, keeping your hyper theming (bigger then a garage, a car, a single story house, etc)

All and all that should give a good progression to the early game into early hyper sizes and from there you're probably growing fast enough it can be spaced out every 100 inches or more


Haha! I love some of these. The descriptions are actually my favorite part of doing this, and plan to really flesh out more of the progression. The current descriptions are really places holders for me personally. Some... favorite phrases... if you will.

I do intend not only to have more descriptions, but also hoping to put in somewhat of an absurd story to follow along with maybe. This project is really starting to take a life of its own. I just hope I can keep up with it!

Thanks for the thoughts!

(1 edit)

a story to go along with sounds fun! Maybe a friend who sarcastically told you to work hard to grow your boobs since you are mildly jealous of her/their "big" DD cup breasts, who gets flabbergasted as she/they check in on you or encounter them and you somehow not only catch up, but get much, much bigger then them

(edit: also fun to mention little inconveniences/noticing changes, like "You accidentally knocked over your third coffee cup with your chest today. Either you should stop getting bigger or invest in one of those tumbler mugs that are all the rage.... better look into that mug then" or "Another shirt popped all its buttons as you were talking today. F for that top, it was super cute, but the ta-tas needed the room to breath!")